Technical Stress/Strain

Technical Stress/Strain


FEA (Finite Element Analysis) Simulation use Numerical Method to find approximate Value of Stress & Strain (see *), Validation of this result will be done through Stress Analysis through Strain Gauging Method, This gives Exact Strain Value to set final Design, shall help to Predicts when and where things will break/Fails. Based on that, we can Make design DURABLE and ensure lighter weight, without Compromising Strength that sets Appropriate Safety Factor.


* Stress is the ratio of applied force F and cross section A, defined as "force per area".
* Strain is defined as deformation of a solid due to stress OR Change in length.



  • Young's Modulus OR Modulus of Elasticity (Hooke's Low) = E. And "E" = Stress / Strain.
  • Safety Factor = Ultimate tensile strength / Maximum allowable Stress.


Relationship between STRESS & STRAIN is one of the MOST fundamental Concept derived from the study of materials which are used for STRESS ANALYSIS.





  • This Technology gives Specific Result with respect to the strength of Materials that Controls OVER DESIGN.
  • At the same time, this will set safety Factor OR Define Limit of Stress.
  • Use this Technology for Cross Checking Quality.
  • Change in the LENGTH due to deformation of Job can be measured through this Technology in micro meter.